Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Please Show and Tell: Why Online Videos are Vital to Modern Marketing

We are a visual generation, and businesses need to note that vital generational quirk. Our tendency to lean toward the mix of sound, sight, and sometimes, touch (hello, 3D) suggests an urgent marketing shift. Now that small businesses are contributing much to Indiana's employment rate, it's important to keep them alive with the right modern strategies.

The Human-Video Connection

Why Youtube marketing in Fort Wayne is the strategic tool you need right now is backed up by science. Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. provides reasons for humans' technological affinity. First, we are mentally wired to formulate judgments on credibility of information based on the human face. Emotions displayed by the body also contribute to the attractiveness of the informative portrait we're presented with. The visual guides, inspires, and lures the person into listening.

However, the visual is nothing without voice. The sound of someone talking encourages the meaningful conversion of audible information to absorbed content. Movement of the body is also another type of motion that we are naturally observant of and attracted to.

Video Popularity

In a 2012 survey by B2B Demand Generation Benchmark, videos have managed to garner the second-highest percentage of marketing respondents. This fact shows that we become more responsive to things dynamic, unlike the inanimate white paper or case study.

Internet marketing in Fort Wayne, like in any other business place, is booming to keep up with these trends. Today, Youtube is among the top sites – the 2nd most frequented search engine in the world – that people are using. It has also become a venue for companies to meet and interact with their potential customers.

The internet has become an equally busy marketplace. Good thing technology – or videos to be exact – can make it easier for you to stand out.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Go Viral, Go Social: Social Media is Today's 'It' Marketing Tool

Social networking sites have been scoffed at for being avenues of laziness, non-professionalism, and excessive talk. Today, businesses are building a corporate world within the bounds of Facebook and Twitter. They've realized the new hold a simple share, retweet, or exchange has over potential customers.

Be There – Both Offline and Online

Meeting clients face-to-face has always been an effective form of introduction. However, social media has now been able to establish itself as a serious platform in Fort Wayne. Younger CEOs have proven that finding mutual connections on LinkedIn is an equally significant matter as networking in person. More and more people are learning about businesses through their laptops and phones, that it's just strategic for companies to maximize that space in people's news feeds to their advantage.

Creating viral content is also an effective way of establishing presence. When people start talking about your products and services, these people are already expressing interest in learning about and possibly consuming these.

Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

Sometimes, however, viral content isn't enough to create lasting buzz. For small businesses in Indiana, becoming a fashion isn't an option; for steady rise to happen, there must be sustainable talk. Internet marketing in Fort Wayne, for example, is made easy by companies like Elite Market Links, Inc. They specialize in strategies like social media optimization, where they ensure that the business maintains an active face and online presence in today's top social properties.

In online marketing, the space is just as important as one's presence. Being able to optimize contemporary venues online can do wonders on your business and credibility.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The New Way of Advertising

A powerful new means of advertising Fort Wayne businesses should know
Fort Wayne, Indiana is one of the biggest and most populous American cities today. The city hosts a great number of businesses offering different products to different kinds of customers. One of the primary advantages of successful businesses in Fort Wayne is internet marketing.
In ancient Greece, the marketplace was the place where people from different places and beliefs converge offering services, goods and ideas. The marketplace was the venue where merchants sold their merchandise along with the great ancient philosophers delivered their discourses. The ancient Greeks’ term for it is agora and it was the center of their community activity.
In this modern world, the new agora is the World Wide Web. The internet is the favorite place of customers to go looking or inquiring about a service or a product. It is because the internet, with its worldwide coverage, could be accessed at home and at your ease, making it the global agora.
For companies or offices in Fort Wayne as well as in other big cities, the internet is an essential part of the trade. In order to maintain a competitive advantage in the market, Fort Wayne companies, especially older ones, need to join the trend in advertising and online marketing.
Businesses in cities that have not yet realized the power of the internet really have to start leaning how to exploit it in order to survive or emerge as the authority in their market.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Waging Marketing Battles in New Fields

The new arena of advertising battle

In big cities like Fort Wayne, businesses are in constant battle for consumers. Nowadays, the power of advertisements has been effective in persuading people to not only use services or products, but also heed advocacy campaigns like those of the government. In the arena of the global market, and through the use of advertisements, competing businesses fight fiercely yet in a subtle way.

However, times are changing. The battle venue is changing, and the internet has replaced the yellow pages of the past. The internet is a human technological milestone that offers great assistance to multiple purposes in our everyday life. One example: assisting a potential customer in looking for a particular service or a product. In such a moment, the battle between businesses on the web starts.

Businesses nowadays compete over which comes first in the internet search engine results. The one in the top spot will have the highest probability of being clicked by the customer. Being clicked means being able to start the sales process. One of the tricks in dominating the search engines is search engine optimization. So for sure, old businesses in Fort Wayne really need to review their advertising practice.

With the internet itself, doing SEO for Fort Wayne companies should not be that difficult. The internet is the best means of learning more about such methods of advertising. It offers lots of information about other techniques in topping the search engine list.

Dominating the internet is a big competitive advantage for a businesses in its market. Start to join the bandwagon and learn more about the cyber world. But if catching up to the current cutting edge of SEO knowledge is too difficult, business owners can just as easily contract the services of reliable online marketing agencies.