Wednesday, February 13, 2013

4 Important Things YouTube Can Do for Local Business

YouTube is a free video-sharing website founded in 2005. It is the most popular video site in the world; by making a video for your business and uploading it on YouTube, you put your video on the most famous video hosting site as well as one of the world’s most well-known sites in general.
                We all know about how advantageous search engine optimization (SEO) is for your local business’ website. But there is also video SEO that is becoming very popular among business (small and large) owners. If you are not taking advantage of this service now, it’s not yet too late to start.
                Here is a list of benefits of YouTube for local businesses:
                Online Visibility
                By making a video and uploading it to YouTube, you are allowing your business to get ahead of your competitors. It gives you the opportunity to be seen in Google search results 50 times more than the others that don’t have videos on YouTube; to get more customers, Fort Wayne business owners can make themselves seen starting on YouTube.
                It is a good medium to promote your products, services, events, and other things you want your audience and potential customers to know about. A short and simple but witty and creative video presentation can catch your audience’s attention; if it’s great, they’ll share it with their families and friends… a brand new word-of-mouth.
                Potentially Viral
If your video is not just funny, creative and witty, but informative (about your business) as well, it has the potential to become viral. Remember that YouTube marketing (Fort Wayne) doesn’t guarantee that your videos will spread in a blink of an eye, you don’t create videos to be viral; you just create something very good and wait for it to be viral. That’s how it works.
                YouTube also gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise through videos. By doing this, you are increasing the level of your business’ authority. Sharing great tips will show your clients and potential customers that you know what you are talking about. No matter how many businesses there are in your industry, you can stand out and end up gaining new customers by sharing advice.
                These are just a few good things your local business can get from YouTube marketing. Fort Wayne has a great team for you to know where you stand when it comes to ranking in Google search. If you haven’t tried this out, you are losing great opportunities for your business.

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